Holly Jolly Block of the Week- Week 25- Spritz (part 2) and Assembly
Hello, Everyone! Welcome to Week 25 of the Holly Jolly Block of the Week! This week we are making the remaining Spritz blocks and I'm also including assembly instructions for those who want to move right on!
If this is the first you are hearing about the Holly Jolly Block of the Week, you can read the information post HERE.
Here is Holly Jolly Block of the Week quilt that we are making during this quilt along!
Here is the schedule we will follow during our quilt along. I'll update the links for the blocks that we have done already in each weekly post.
Holly Jolly Block of the Week
Week 25- October 29- Spritz (Part 2) and Assembly
Week 26- November 5- Assembly and Finish
This week we are making the remaining Spritz blocks. But, I've already seen completed tops on Instagram so I'm thinking that I'll give the assembly instructions too in case you need them and are ready. If you do need this week to catch up, no problem at all, work at your own pace and the instructions will be here when you need them!
Wonderful directions. I've enjoyed your posts on this and look forward to making the quilt.